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Destination Abroad’s Young Black Male Youth Initiative is a mentoring program to increase the retention, persistence, and study abroad rates of African-American male scholars. The program is designed to enhance the academic and global competence for participants through programmatic efforts intended to maximize academic and co-curricular experiences. It is aimed at African-American male students ages 14-17 and offers positive mentorship and guidance, cultural immersion opportunities, and global education activities that promote academic success. The program operates in 3 year a cohort format.  Year one focuses on developing life skills and civic foundation and years 2 and 3 focus on cultural immersion, persistence, and college or career preparedness. The primary goal of this program is to simply increase the academic and co-curricular success of African American males as measured quantitatively by the participants’ GPA's, retention, and graduation rates and qualitatively by their stories of success. It is our hope Destination Abroad will be recognized as a benchmark program responsible for retaining and facilitating future African American male scholars, leaders and global citizens.


Selection is competitive and all potential participants must complete an online application and interview.  The following are measures taken from the application and the interview are considered in order to comprise a highly successful cohort and match youth with their mentors:  a thirst to learn, the desire to have Black male role models, family support and resources, first generation college students, strong work ethic, extra-curricular activities, initiative, drive and accountability.   Although important, the applicant’s academic record and GPA are secondary in the selection process. 


Applications for the next cohort will open in August 2021.



Study abroad programs provide an opportunity to enrich the academic experience of students and a growing segment of higher education institutions have begun to capitalize on this unique offering. In the 2014 academic year, 313,415 U.S. college students participated in a study abroad program. Of those students, unfortunately less than 7% attended Historically Black Colleges and Universities (“HBCU’s”). 


It is widely agreed that globalization has become a defining force in society today, touching almost every aspect of human endeavor. Consequently, it is no longer a luxury for HBCU students to participate in study abroad or cultural immersion experiences. Instead, it has become critically important for students at HBCU’s to take steps towards being competent global citizens. When 95% of consumers live outside of the United States, HBCU graduates simply cannot afford to ignore this essential aspect of higher education.  As we become a more interconnected and globalized world, scholars that lack prospects and exposure to develop global and cultural competencies will enter the workforce at a distinct disadvantage, thereby running the risk of being marginalized. 


Destination Abroad’s HBCU Initiative seeks to increase the participation rate in study abroad programs for students attending HBCU’s. The HBCU Initiative’s primary objective is to foster educated, internationally competent, engaged and relevant global citizens.  Program participants spend 6 - 8 weeks with their cohort abroad in structured activities consisting of civic engagement and cultural immersion, as well as an opportunity to intern with a local business or take classes at a local college or University.


Eligible applicants must be currently enrolled or recent graduates (less than one year) of a Historical Black College and University. Selection is competitive and all potential participants must complete an online application and interview.  


Applications for the next cohort will open in August 2021. 


Young adults that are not quite ready to start college students may choose to postpone their traditional academic plans and participate in a gap year experience. During your gap year students will engage in cultural experiences and learn more about the world around you. Whether students are interested in a  full year of study abroad or a combination of studying, travel, and volunteering, Destination Abroad will assist in personalizing your year to best fit your needs and interests.


What is a Gap Year?

A gap year is a year spent taking time off after graduating from high school and before attending college.  An increasingly popular option, it provides time for traveling, volunteering, learning a new language, or experiencing a cultural immersion or for personal growth.   Instead of going to college after high school, you can still be productive and have the opportunity to grow and learn even more than your peers by traveling abroad.


Why Take a Gap Year?

While there are many compelling reasons to take a gap year, one of the most common is the opportunity for students to explore their interests and develop a purpose for their future. Students can take a break from intense coursework and focus on enriching life experiences.  Depending on the program, students can also earn college credit for transfer or become proficient in a foreign language that may fulfill general education requirements.  During your gap year abroad, you will experience incredible personal growth and tackle challenges each day, learning more about yourself and the world. Young adults that have completed a gap year are often revitalized for their return to the academic world the following year.  Students arrive on campus more focused, mature, and motivated for their collegiate experience.  Scholars who apply for college during their senior year of high school can often defer enrollment for a year, so they can easily start classes upon completion of their time abroad.



The benefits of study abroad are almost endless. Try something new, travel abroad.

- Michelle Obama

Studying abroad is no longer a luxury, but a necessity for our youth to succeed.  There is a clear “global divide” occurring among those students that have benefitted from a global education and those that have not.  Today's global challenges demand international competence and cultural sensitivity.  When students travel, they gain a different perspective that reaches far beyond what is available in U.S. classrooms.  Participants acquire a deeper understanding and respect for diverse cultures and learn to appreciate others that do not look like them.  In order for our next generation of leaders to be effective as global citizens, studying abroad is a vital component to enhance their education, skill set, and marketability to employers. 


Destination Abroad encourages students of any age to participate in a study abroad program.  We provide comprehensive advising and support to youth and parents necessary for a successful journey abroad.  Our team guides each student through the entire study abroad process from selecting the right program through reentry and assessment.  Once a host program is identified, students work with staff to complete the application, discuss financial options, assist with all travel logistics, provide pre-departure orientation, and navigate local in-country needs.


Ready to go?  Don’t wait any further.  Take the next step and contact us at



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